JD Advantage Career Week Panels

Learn More about JD Advantage Jobs in Business, Technology, Government and Other Sectors!

Increasingly, law students and graduates around the country are pursuing positions categorized as “JD advantage”, so named because a JD may be preferred or even required by an employer despite the position not requiring the active practice of law or bar licensure.  Many JD advantage opportunities can be found in the business, technology and government sectors involving financial services, innovation, privacy, regulatory affairs and more. 

To learn more about JD advantage opportunities, the NALP JD Career Advisor’s JD Advantage Work Group is hosting a JD Advantage Careers Week from March 1st through 3rd and Miami Law students are invited to attend.  During this period, three dynamic panels will be held, each focusing on different career sectors.  Interested students are encouraged to register to attend using the links below.  All panels will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST. 

March 1, 5-6:30pm EST: Business & Financial Services 

March 2, 5-6:30pm EST: Technology, Innovation, IP & Privacy 

March 3, 5-6:30pm EST: Government & Regulatory Affairs