Attend the Department of Labor (DOL) Virtual Career Fair on June 16, 2021 from 11am to 4pm EST

Join us for an information session on June 16, 2021.  You will have agency employees and managers providing information about their agency.  The sessions will give you an opportunity to learn how the DOL supports the American public through unique missions.  It is a chance to ask questions and learn more before you apply for an open position.  You may even learn about vacancies we are preparing to open and get the 411 before they go live.

The “DOL Opportunities are Open” Event:


WHO:  Potential Applicants/Candidates for DOL positions

WHAT: Information Session about DOL agencies for potential DOL applicants

WHERE: Virtually via WebEx

WHEN:  June 16, 2021 from 11 am to 4 pm EST – the Welcome session will be at 10:45 am EST

WHY: To provide information to applicants about the agencies that help fulfill the DOL mission.

HOW:  Register via Eventbrite

View all current DOL vacancies on USAJobs