Attend Move the Needle Fund – 3L Virtual Networking Program for Diverse Law Students on March 24th 2021!

Knowing that economic uncertainty can disproportionately impact the job prospects of underrepresented law students, Diversity Lab and the four founding Move the Needle Fund (MTN) law firms and 30+ legal departments — invite 3L students to participate in an upcoming Virtual Learning & Networking Forum on Wednesday, March 24th beginning at 1:30pm MT.

The MTN 3L Virtual Learning & Networking Forum is designed to provide students with the opportunity to hear from law firm and corporate legal department leaders on a variety of topics, including: (1) Developing a Narrative That Stands Out, (2) Leveraging Social Media and Current Networks, (3) Tips and Techniques for Virtual Job Hunting, and (4) In-Person / Virtual Interviewing Best Practices.

Most importantly, the program will incorporate small group networking so that students can meet, get to know, and ask questions of law firm and legal department practitioners and hiring managers in an informal setting, and make additional professional connections in the legal industry.

Interested 3Ls can learn more and register here. We hope this opportunity provides a wealth of knowledge and industry contacts for students to leverage now and throughout their legal career.

To register, click here for link.