The BarBri Job Network – 1L & 2L Summer Job Openings

The BarBri Job Network platform is a free recruiting resource to connect law students and employers.  Students can upload their resumes and create viewable profiles.  Employers are able to search for potential candidates who have the qualifications they are seeking. Registered students can access the online job listings – currently there are 35 posted summer associate opportunities for 1Ls and 2Ls and diversity fellowships.

Here’s how it works. Miami Law students upload a resumé and complete a legal-specific profile that includes:

  • Law school academic achievements/honors/activities,
  • Voluntary diversity disclosures,
  • The type of law they want to practice, and
  • The city where they ultimately want to work.

Students can then submit their profiles in response to employer-posted jobsdiversity scholarships/fellowships, and recruiting events.

To join the network, click on this link: BARBRI Job Network. This is a free resource that connects legal employers with 1L and 2L students attending ABA-approved law schools.