Federal Service Student Ambassador Program

Students working for the federal government in Washington, D.C. this summer are encouraged to apply to serve as Federal Service Student Ambassadors to the law school.

The Federal Service Student Ambassadors program is designed to increase interest in federal service on college and university campuses through developing a group of passionate student advocates who actively promote public service following their completion of a federal internship. Through planning events, networking sessions, and meetings with key faculty and staff members, ambassadors raise awareness of the incredible opportunities and benefits of federal service.

Throughout the ambassadorship, students will receive support from the Partnership for Public Service, as well as build a community of practice through regular communication with fellow ambassadors. Additionally, ambassadors will receive a competitive stipend for their service.

The application deadline is Friday, June 11, 2010.

To be eligible for the program, ambassadors must participate in an internship with a federal agency in Washington, D.C. for summer 2010. Additionally, they must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an accredited college or university for the 2010-2011 academic year. Ideal candidates possess strong interpersonal and communication skills, demonstrate a commitment to public service and are actively involved in leadership roles and/or extracurricular activities.

For more information and to apply, visit the Making the Difference website