Attend the Virtual Lunch & Learn Program: Putting Your Best Foot Forward…Virtually – Thursday, August 27, 2020

Title: “Putting your Best Foot Forward… Virtually” – providing you interviewing skills and techniques to nail the job you want.

Date and Time: Thursday, August 27th at 12:30 p.m.


Due to the pandemic and social distancing measures, many firms are hiring online. When you’re participating a virtual interview, your goal is the same as a live one — to make a lasting impression that earns you a subsequent interview. Virtual interviews present unique challenges which can be overcome if you know the best practices. At the end of this session you will know how to send the right “vibe” in the absence of in-person interaction.

Guest Speaker Bio:

Dr. Sharon Meit Abrahams is a legal talent development expert helping lawyers improve their productivity and profitability through skill assessments, coaching, and interactive workshops. Dr. Abrahams wrote three books published by the American Bar Association, contributed to three other books, and penned over 100 articles related to professional and business development in the legal profession.

Dr. Abrahams has over twenty-five years of experience in client relationship building, business development techniques, communication skills, and management/leadership development training. She has conducted over 200 seminars on a wide variety of topics for esteemed audiences at the ABA, ALA, NALP, local bar associations, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Northwestern, University of Miami, University of Virginia, University of Chicago and Duke Law Schools as well as others.

Instructions to Participate: To access this program, please reach out to Alana Butin at the CDO.