Volunteer at Public Counsel’s Consumer Rights Education Project

Are you looking for an introduction to litigation work? Volunteer with the Consumer Rights and Economic Justice Project!

Join Public Counsel’s Consumer Rights and Economic Justice Project.

About Us:  Public Counsel is the nation’s largest pro bono law firm, with eight different project areas handling litigation and direct services for low income individuals in Los Angeles County and across the country.

The Consumer Rights & Economic Justice Project handles matters both large and small, including class action cases involving victims of fraud who have experienced significant financial injury at the hands of unscrupulous individuals or businesses. We co-counsel nearly all our cases with outside firms, including some of the most prominent firms in the State. We are constantly developing new cases, both individual and impact litigation matters, based in large part on our intake line, which handles hundreds of calls every year.

We rely on volunteer attorneys to help us with various aspects of our cases. Our volunteer attorneys include those who are waiting for bar results, between jobs, new to Los Angeles, or looking to widen their horizons and get into public interest law. Our volunteers interview clients and witnesses, analyze potential cases, research pertinent aspects of law, draft memoranda, and engage in various other associated litigation tasks. We include them in our weekly case review meetings and encourage them to observe at court when a matter comes on for hearing or to come to a deposition or mediation, if possible. Working with our team of experienced attorneys, you will gain a wide range of practical experience and make contacts to help you as you progress in your career.

Minimum Qualifications: California licensed attorney at any level of experience or individual awaiting bar results; excellent research and writing skills; Spanish proficiency is a plus.

Expected Time Commitment: A minimum of three days per week (preferably more) on site during normal business hours, for a minimum of three months.

Date Needed: Ongoing

Location: At Public Counsel’s main office, in Koreatown: 610 South Ardmore Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90005

How to Apply:  Please send your resume, a 5-8 page writing sample and a cover letter to Steph Carroll with “volunteer attorney” in the subject line.