About This Event:

This event takes place today, November 11th from 6:30 – 7:30 PM ET. View the website to register and for details.

Get your questions ready to connect with ’Canes around the world during the new ’Canes Mentoring ’Canes virtual series. During this flash-mentoring hour, you’ll be connected 1-on-1 to key University of Miami mentors for short, 10-minute text-based chats accessible from any computer. No audio or video is required. Contrary to traditional, long-term mentoring, ’Canes Mentoring ’Canes is designed to facilitate convenient one-time mentorship opportunities.

Once you’ve registered and logged in to the event, start by entering the booth of your choice to match with a mentor. You can also enter the Alumni Career Service Booth to chat with the Director of Alumni Career Services for the University of Miami Division of Development and Alumni Relations (undergraduate).

When the event concludes, you’ll be asked to complete a short survey about your experience. Your feedback will help shape future online networking events, so please be sure to respond!

Questions? Email here.