Call for applications: 8th International Jacques Leroy Prize – Business and Human Rights

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA – International Association of Lawyers) invites law students to participate in the 8th International Jacques Leroy Prize – Business and Human Rights.

Students who wish to compete for this prize must submit a written paper (plea, study, commentary on a practical case) that deals with the theme: “natural resource exploitation and respect for human rights” to the UIA before July 31, 2017.

Upon winning the competition, the recipient of the Jacques Leroy Prize will be rewarded with free participation in the annual UIA Congress in Toronto (Canada) from October 27 to 31, 2017 including free travel costs and accommodation. The winner will also receive a cash prize of €1000 and enjoy free membership in the UIA for a year.

In order to download the poster, the brochure and the rules of the competition, please visit the website and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find each of these documents. (Please note that the download process may take a few minutes.)

For additional details, please visit the website.