Attend the 2016 Michael R. Diehl Civil Rights Forum

Although numerous LGBT rights organizations and advocates have declared ‘mission accomplished,’ Obergefell and marriage equality were not a panacea in the struggle for civil rights for LGBT people. The LGBT community must remain engaged and vigilant; the community still faces tremendous challenges in numerous areas of everyday life, not least including employment, family planning, transgender equality, religious exemptions to laws protecting LGBT people, and immigration to name just a few.

Please join us and take part in a lively discussion of where our community needs to turn to next. There is much we have yet to accomplish.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
6:30 p.m. – Cocktail Reception
7:30 p.m. – Panel Discussion
Crosby Street Hotel
79 Crosby Street
(between Prince and Spring Streets)
New York City
Tico Almeida
Founder and President
Freedom to Work
Chase Strangio
Staff Attorney
LGBT & HIV Project, ACLU
Susan Sommer
Senior Counsel and National Director of Constitutional Litigation
Lambda Legal 

RSVP here by July 10th 2016.