HOPE Fellows Application for Summer 2010 is Now Available

HOPE Fellows work with local, national and international public interest agencies. Since 2000, the program has evolved from two local placements to include international placements in countries such as Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Lebanon, England, and China.

The HOPE Public Interest Resource Center provides a $5000 stipend to law students who work in uncompensated public interest jobs in exchange for a year-long commitment to actively serve on the Public Interest Leadership Board and design and implement a program related to their field work. Students have the opportunity to apply for a dedicated HOPE Fellowship placement or propose a placement of their own design. 

Who is eligible to apply? 

  • All rising UM 2Ls and 3Ls who are in good standing
  • Due to limited resources, priority may be given to students who have a demonstrated commitment to public service and financial need
  • Students may not receive credit or compensation (from the host agency) for their work. If additional funding is being sought, students must list the source and amount of funding 

Requirements of the HOPE Fellowship: 

  • Over the course of the summer, fellows must complete a minimum of 320 hours of work over a period of no less than 8 weeks
  • Serve on the Public Interest Leadership Board during the 2010-2011 academic year
  • During the 2010-2011 academic year, Fellows must implement a legal advocacy project related to their placement and area of expertise
  • Students will have an ongoing reporting and feedback commitment throughout the duration of the placement. Specifically, students must provide no less then two journal entries, one final article about their fellowship and document their experience using a variety of different multimedia formats 

HOPE Fellowship Application: 

  • Applicants must submit (3) copies of completed applications to the HOPE Public Interest Resource Center, B-446, by Feb. 19th at 5:00 p.m. – email applications will not be accepted
  • Interviews will take place from February 22nd – March 5th
  • Offers will be extended no later than March 12th with student commitments required within one week of notification
  • All Fellowship applications must demonstrate how you, as a Fellow, will contribute uniquely to the agency and provide new or augment existing services
  • A traditional placement as a summer intern will not, in and of itself, make one eligible for a HOPE Fellowship 

All HOPE Fellows must work under the direct supervision of an attorney licensed in the jurisdiction of the placement. The HOPE Office has established relationships with some domestic and international organizations that are interested in hosting HOPE Fellows. Preference may be given to students applying for a fellowship with one of these organizations. A list of the organizations will be available shortly. 

For information regarding preparing a Fellows application, students should attend the Summer Public Interest Opportunities meeting on January 20th at 12:30 p.m. in room 209. A subsequent online chat will be scheduled for early February. For additional information, please visit http://www.law.miami.edu/hope/ and the CDO Student Portal.