The Center for Tax Law & Employee Benefits at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago 2015 Paul Faherty Tax Law Writing Competition

The Center for Tax Law & Employee Benefits at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago is pleased to announce the 2015 Paul Faherty Tax Law Writing Competition. James Lynch, a partner at the law firm of Winston & Strawn LLP, has graciously endowed this writing competition to honor Paul Faherty, former director of the Center for Tax Law & Employee Benefits.


The scope of permissible topics for the writing competition is broad—any aspect of tax law is acceptable. Students are encouraged to submit a paper addressing:

  • a public policy issue,
  • a critique of a leading case or doctrine,
  • a comment on a statute or the need for statutory modification, or
  • a comment on a common law doctrine.


Any currently enrolled law school student attending an ABA-accredited law school in the United States may enter.


A grand prize of $3,000 plus two honorable mentions of $1,000 will be awarded. The winner’s paper will also be posted on the website of The John Marshall Law School Center for Tax Law & Employee Benefits and excerpted in an upcoming issue of the Center’s TaxEB InBrief magazine.


The paper must be the applicant’s original work. Each student entrant is limited to one entry; multiple entries from the same person are expressly prohibited. Additionally, the paper must not be under consideration for any other publication or written as part of paid employment.


  • All papers are to be submitted electronically by email. Please reference “Writing Competition” in the subject line.
  • Your paper should be typed double-spaced, set in Times New Roman font on 8.5”x11” paper with one-inch margins.
  • Papers are to be formatted with endnotes; papers submitted with footnotes will not be accepted.
  • Entries should be between 25–30 pages long, not including endnotes.
  • Citations are to conform to A Uniform System of Citation (the Bluebook).

Submissions All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. central time on Thursday, April 30, 2015. Papers submitted after this time and date will not be considered. Include a cover letter with your entry stating your name, mailing address, and phone number, along with the name of your law school and your expected year of graduation.