Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers 2015 Bar Study Scholarship

Florida Association for Women Lawyers is a professional organization devoted to actively promoting the advancement of women in the legal profession and expanding the leadership role of its members in the community at large. To achieve these goals, CFAWL will further the common interests of its members and encourage camaraderie and learning among its members. CFAWL will promote women’s opportunities and rights, uphold the highest standards of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the legal profession, promote reform in the law and facilitate the administration of justice.

The Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers is proud to invite applications for its fourth annual Bar Study Scholarship. The goal of the scholarship is to promote the CFAWL mission, while helping the recipient during his/her study for the Florida Bar Exam. The scholarship is funded by the generous donations of CFAWL members and friends and by CFAWL fundraising efforts.

Eligibility Requirements – Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Full-time or part-time law student taking the Florida Bar Exam in July 2015 for the first time;
  • Academic achievement and excellence (no specific GPA required); and
  • Significant campus and community involvement and/or leadership.

Completed applications must be postmarked by April 10, 2015. 

Applications will be reviewed after the deadline and the recipient notified no later than May 1, 2015.

The recipient will be invited to attend the May 8, 2015, CFAWL luncheon in Orlando, where the recipient will be introduced.

CFAWL will award a $1,000 scholarship to the recipient. The award will be paid to the recipient after his/her law school graduation, in June of 2015.

See scholarship application here for mailing address and further information about how to apply.