INTA’s Annual Meeting Scholarship Program
San Diego 137th Annual Meeting Scholarship Program – May 2–6, 2015. Join the International Trademark Association for the 137th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California–the trademark industry’s premier event of the year.
As a current INTA student member, you can attend the meeting for FREE if you are selected as an Annual Meeting scholarship recipient!
Five scholarships will be awarded and recipients will receive:
- One FREE registration to the 137th Annual Meeting – this includes ALL sessions, networking events and receptions.
- Up to $500 stipend for travel expenses related to the meeting. (The stipend will not be disbursed until the recipients have fulfilled all
- required activities listed.)
- The opportunity to meet and network with trademark practitioners from around the world!
- The opportunity to build your resume.
Scholarship recipients are required to:
- Attend in the Adjunct Professors Panel on Sunday, May 3
- Attend Career Development Day at the Annual Meeting on Monday, May 4.
- Assist INTA staff during the Annual Meeting (this may include proctoring courses, helping Annual Meeting speakers with PowerPoint presentations; or facilitating Speed Networking sessions).
If you’re interested in this opportunity, complete the attached application and submit an essay via email no later than March 23, 2015.
Scholarship recipients will be selected and notified in early April.
To learn more about INTA’s Annual Meeting and Career Development Day, visit the website.
To learn more about the scholarship program or INTA student membership, please do so via email.