The Administrative Conference of the United States is accepting applications from lawyers with at least two years of full-time, post-law school experience to serve as an attorney advisor at the Conference’s office in Washington, DC. Instructions on how to apply appear below under the heading “Applications.” The deadline for submission of applications is March 9, 2015.  


The Conference is an executive branch agency whose principal mission is to recommend empirically based improvements to administrative procedure and related matters to the President, federal agencies, Congress, and the federal judiciary. The Conference also assists individual agencies in improving administrative programs, publishes sourcebooks of enormous value both to the government and public, and provides nonpartisan advice to other agencies and Congress. Most of the research for the Conference is conducted by distinguished academics in law and related disciplines. For additional information about the Conference, please visit the website. 


The attorney advisor will be responsible for researching and analyzing legal issues involving agency adjudication, rulemaking, collaborative governance, agency administration and management, judicial review of agency action, and related matters. Specific duties include: identifying appropriate subjects for reports and recommendations through extensive research and analysis; drafting research reports; working with outside consultants in preparing reports and recommendations; serving as staff counsel to one of the Conference’s committees; preparing workshops and similar events; presenting research findings to the Conference’s members; speaking at meetings of the Conference, professional associations, and law schools about the Conference’s work; and assisting with the implementation of the Conference’s recommendations. Opportunities may arise for the attorney advisor to submit his/her written work for publication. 


An applicant must hold a law degree from an accredited school, be a member in good standing of the bar in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia, have worked for at least two years in full-time employment after graduating from law school, possess outstanding analytical and writing abilities, and work well in a collaborative environment. A background in administrative law or a related field is preferred.


The attorney advisor will be compensated as a GS-13 (subject to consideration of relevant work experience and current pay). Information on compensation under the 2015 General Schedule (GS) can be found at the website of the Office of Personnel Management. 


Applicants should email a cover letter, resume, transcript, and writing sample (preferably as a single PDF file) to Matthew Wiener, the Executive Director of the Conference no later than March 9, 2015. For questions about the submission of applications, please contact Charysse Hairston, Executive Assistant.