The Expert Institute’s Legal Blog Writing Contest

Contest Overview:

To participate, submit a 1,000 to 2,500 word blog-style article on the use of expert witnesses in litigation through the online submission portal at the bottom of this page by December 31, 2014. If your article wins, you will receive a $500 cash prize, and your article will be published on The Expert Institute’s blog and distributed in our weekly newsletter, where it will be read by thousands of practicing attorneys.

Official Guidelines:

To win, your article not only has to be logically rigorous and substantive, it also needs to be engaging, entertaining, and eye-catching. Ideally, lay people should be able to understand and enjoy the article, while lawyers should find it useful and insightful.

Eligibility and Topic:

J.D. Students – Any topic in litigation involving expert witnesses.


1ST Place:              $500.00 cash prize
                                Blog publication
                                Newsletter circulation
                                Email Announcement 
2ND Place:             $200.00 cash prize
                                Blog publication               
3rd Place:              Blog publication                               

All submissions must be received before midnight on December 31, 2014 in order to be considered. Please include all required information in a cover sheet on the submitted document.

For additional information about parameters, submission, judging, etc. please visit the website.