Available 2014 Summer Job Opportunities for 1L and 2L Students

AmeriBar Campus Representative:

Work just a few hours every week and receive a FREE BAR REVIEW COURSE plus gain valuable experience and earn a competitive hourly wage as a campus representative for AmeriBar Bar Review.  Ccampus representatives provide law students with information about course offerings, host promotional events and offer special promotions. AmeriBar Bar Review provides comprehensive bar review courses containing written and online-supported materials in a state-of-the-art learning management system.  They seek to promptly hire several outgoing, energetic individuals as campus representatives to educate law students about our products and services.  AmeriBar provides you with training, dedicated campus representative support, and all informational and promotional material. For more information, see Symplicity Job Posting #12894. This posting expires on July 31, 2014.

Law Clerk (Coral Gables, FL):

Well-established Coral Gables law firm seeks a 2L student to work alongside three attorneys writing and researching about cutting edge immigration issues. The applicant MUST have excellent writing skills. Must also be fluent in English and Spanish. The position is part-time and salary is competitive.  For more information, see Symplicity Job Posting #12455. This posting expires on July 31, 2014.

Law Firm in New Jersey:

Firm  is looking for a diligent and responsible law student to work part-time on litigation-related matters ($20/hr).  The law student is also expected to handle administrative tasks ($10/hr). For this position, you may work from home!  For more information, see Symplicity Job Posting #12885. This posting expires on August 30, 2014.