The 2014 d’Oliveira & Associates Student Scholarship
The d’Oliveira & Associates College Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship opportunity available to students pursuing college degrees or certifications in law school, paralegal studies‚ legal assistant studies‚ court reporting, or any other law-related field from community colleges‚ technical schools, or business schools in the United States.
Deadline to Submit Application: July 15‚ 2014.
Applicant Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a U.S. citizen;
- Must hold a high school diploma or GED equivalent;
- Must either attend or plan to enroll at a college or university, community college, technical school or business school;
- Must be either pursuing a college degree, law school degree, certification in paralegal studies, legal assistant studies, court reporting, or another law-related field.
About the Award:
The d’Oliveira & Associates 2014 College Student Scholarship is to be used solely for school tuition and related expenses. A check for $1,000 will be written payable directly to the award recipient’s college or school to cover these expenses.
All applicants must complete the downloadable application. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD APPLICATION.
Additional Application Materials:
- A 500-word essay persuading young people on the dangers of texting and driving. (Applications without this essay component will not be considered);
- Submit proof of high school diploma or GED equivalent as well as a valid high school transcript;
- Proof of acceptance and enrollment in the applicant’s future educational institution.
Failure to include all required application materials will result in immediate rejection of the application.
Completed applications must be submitted by July 15‚ 2014. Applications should be emailed with the subject line “2014 College Student Scholarship” or mailed to:
d’Oliveira & Associates
Attn: Scholarship Manager
2540 Pawtucket Avenue
East Providence, RI02914
The d’Oliveira & Associates College Student Scholarship recipient will be notified of selection on or about August 15‚ 2014. Non-winning applicants will not receive individual notification. The winner will be announced on the facebook page.
Please visit the website for any other information.