From the CDO: Summer Funding Available for Public Interest, Government or Judicial Positions

The CDO wants you to know about a source of funding for law student summer service:  the Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps JD program.  Through this program, students who have secured their own placements at nonprofit organizations, courts or local, county or state governments can earn an education award of $1,175 that can be applied to tuition or student loans.

To qualify, students must:

  • complete a brief application (available here);
  • serve in qualifying organizations (nonprofit      organizations, courts, government agencies);
  • serve at least 300 hours; and
  • submit a short report of their activities

Students may not earn academic credit for the same service but can receive outside funding up to $4,300 and still be eligible for the education award.  The deadline to apply is Friday, May 2, 2014.  More information is available at the Equal Justice Works website.