Institute for Justice – Public Interest Boot Camp for Law Students

The Institute for Justice, the national law firm for liberty, is excited to announce their Public Interest Boot Camp this summer, July 25-27, in Arlington, Virginia.  The law student conference brings together 40 top students from across the country.  Learn how to use the law as a force for freedom, meet like-minded students and discuss cases like Kelo v. City of New London, McComish v. Bennett, and Zelman v. Simmons-Harris with the attorneys who helped litigate them.

You will also hear a keynote from a distinguished jurist and lectures by noted Georgetown University Law School professor Randy Barnett, George Mason University School of Law professor Todd Zywicki and Cato Institute scholar Roger Pilon.

Accommodations and reasonable travel expenses are provided for accepted students, but attendance is limited!  Applications are due March 21st.  Please visit the website for more information and to apply.