FREE: The Nuts and Bolts of Opening Your Own Law Firm: From Renting Space to Storage in the Cloud

FREE: The Nuts and Bolts of Opening Your Own Law Firm: From Renting Space to Storage in the Cloud

November 7, 2013
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
701 Brickell Avenue Conference Center
701 Brickell Avenue
Conference Center – 1st floor/lobby
Miami, FL 33131

This event will consist of a panel of experts in their field aimed at teaching attendees about issues they need to consider when starting their own law firm or partnering with other attorneys to form a law firm.  Attendees will learn about office leasing and sharing office space, social media and marketing, accounting and law firm trust accounts, storage in the cloud/security, and from an attorney who has her own firm and has to deal with these issues and others.

Fifty (50) minutes of instruction for a total of one (1) CLE credit is being requested for this program.

Lunch will be provided and the event is free of charge.


Lisa Lehner – Introductions/Moderator – Lisa Lehner, P.A.

Sharon Ellis – Office Leasing and Sharing Office Space – Rise Realty

Katie Phang – Experienced Attorney with her own Firm – Arrastia, Capote, & Phang, LLP

Lisa Jerles – Social Media and Marketing – LJJ Consulting, Inc.

Maria Yip – Accounting and Trust Accounts – Yip Associates

Darriel Prestegaard – Storage in the Cloud, Security  – Waypoint Solutions Group