Attend the Idealist Grad Fair at University of Miami

The Idealist Grad Fair at University of Miami takes place on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The fair is free and open to the public, and if you’re thinking of going to grad school in the next year or two, we think you’ll find it very helpful.

Generously hosted by The University of Miami Master of Arts in International Administration Program, the fair is for undergraduates, professionals and anyone thinking of applying to graduate school to further their social impact career.

You’ll meet representatives from 56 schools offering graduate degrees. At the fair, you can:

  • Learn about admissions requirements and application deadlines for graduate programs in social work, public policy, nonprofit management, international affairs, public interest law, social entrepreneurship, and many more.
  • Speak with admissions representatives from local, national, and international universities

The fair is free and open to anyone considering graduate school. To see what the Idealist Grad Fair is all about, check out this brief video taken at last year’s New York City fair.

To RSVP, learn more about the fair, and to see a full list of participating schools, visit the website.