Professor Michael Froomkin Seeks ‘We Robot’ Conference Researcher/Organizer

Professor Froomkin is seeking one or more University of Miami School of Law students to do projects connected with “We Robot 2014″ a major conference on legal and policy issues relating to robotics, to be held at the law school on April 4 & 5, 2014.  There is intellectual work to be done to set up the event, notably writing online summaries of all the accepted papers. There are also some administrative duties involved.

The job mostly involves a smaller amount of work now and a somewhat larger amount of work in the weeks leading up to the event.  You would also be asked to attend and assist with the conference, for example, liaising with speakers and summarizing events online, on Twitter and other media.

This is a paid position. If you are interested, please visit Symplicity Job Posting ID #11646 for application instructions and additional details.