South Florida Federal Executive Board Young Government Leaders Chapter Invites You to Join Their Organization

The South Florida Young Government Leaders Chapter (YGL) and cordially invite all interested federal, state and local government employees, interns and government contractors in Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward counties to join. They are looking to build a community of leadership for young public servants across the tri-county area, through professional development activities, networking opportunities, social events, seminars, fellowships and scholarships.

It is a volunteer organization of professional men and women employed by or for the government who are “young” in their service and or “fresh” in their perspective.

YGL is dedicated to developing, strengthening and invigorating the public service community by creating opportunities for networking, strategic partnerships and training with an emphasis on personal development, local outreach and mentorship.

Members come for the opportunity to build lasting relationships with other federal, local and state employees and brainstorm about potential solutions to the significant challenges the government faces in the near and long term. YGL offers many paths and opportunities to learn from and interact with colleagues in ways that will help meet your professional goals. YGL also encourages members to get involved, make a difference and develop their leadership potential.

For any federal, state, or local county employee, intern, or government contractor interested, please fill out the membership form  and return to Kara Docherty .

Click here for additional information and the membership form on the website.