Attend The ABA Property Insurance Law Committee’s Annual Spring CLE Meeting From May 16-18 in Palm Beach Gardens

This year, the ABA Property Insurance Law Committee is holding its annual Spring CLE meeting on May 16-18, at the PGA National Resort & Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. This spring’s meeting will be co-sponsored with the ABA trial techniques committee. The topic of the presentations this year will be “Exclusions And Extensions Of Coverage Under The ALL-Risk Property Policy.”

In addition, the Committee will be including an “Insurance 101” program on the Thursday afternoon of the meeting, which will provide a broad overview of property law insurance specifically geared to new claim professionals and attorneys. Topics of presentation will range from burdens of proof to the intricacies of water damage, cyber coverages and collapse provisions.

The registration deadline is April 24, 2013. 

For detailed information regarding the conference, registration, etc. please see the online brochure.