To All Graduating Students Interested in a Career Working for Social Justice

Information Session

An organizer from the DART Center will be on the University of Miami campus to present information to applicants interested in careers working for social, economic, and racial justice. 

The session will discuss:

  • Strengthening relationships through One-on-Ones
  • Developing leaders in communities to take direct action on issues of injustice
  • Congregation-based coalition building

The Dart Center 

The DART Center has built coalitions throughout the country that have won important victories on a broad set of justice issues including:

  • Education reform in low-performing public schools
  • Fair immigration policies
  • Police misconduct
  • Living Wage campaigns & job training
  • Affordable housing, etc.

Where and When 

Monday, November 9, 6pm – 7pm at Toppel Career Center. For directions call: (305) 284-5451. To RSVP contact Mr. Key Jahanian with your name, email, phone number, and institution to: or call (785) 841-2680.

For more information, please visit