Affordable Housing and Community Development 2013 Law Student Legal Writing Competition

Eligibility: Open to all students currently enrolled in an ABA Accredited Law School. 

Topic: Papers should address any legal issue regarding affordable housing and/or community development law. 

Submission Requirements: Entries must be original, unpublished work. Articles should be between 25-50 double-spaced pages and should include footnotes. The page limit includes the endnotes. However, if an entry extends slightly beyond 50 pages, it will not be categorically rejected. The definition of “slightly” is left to the evaluator’s discretion–compliance with the page limit requirement is an evaluation factor whose weight will vary depending upon the evaluator. There is no entry form of any kind. A title page should be attached and must contain the title of the submission, the student’s name, and the student’s contact information including street address, phone number(s), and email address. 

Award: Submissions will be blindly evaluated by a committee of Forum members. The paper as judged by the selection committee will be awarded a prize of $1,000 and a trip to attend the Forum’s Annual Conference, May 22-24,2013, in Washington, D.C., airfare and lodging included*.

The winning essay may be published in the Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law. 

Date: All entries must be postmarked or emailed by March 8, 2013. 

Send entries to the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief: James J. Kelly, Jr., Clinical Prof. of Law, NotreDame Law School.

Please contact Dawn R. Holiday if you have any questions. *Coach airfare, 21-day advance purchase and lodging at the conference hotel for 2 nights.