Two Human Rights Specialist Opportunities at the IACHR

Human Rights Specialist I

Duties and responsibilities:

Under the supervision of the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, directly or through the corresponding Specialist and under their general supervision, the Human Rights Specialist will be responsible for the following duties:

Case processing and reporting pertaining to rights of indigenous peoples:

  • Within delegated authority, implement the individual petition system governed by the inter-American human rights instruments, initially assessing the admissibility of complaints received against member states assigned and applying the relevant procedures.
  • Manage case correspondence which includes requests for information from the parties to fully develop the claims; analyze claims according to the pertinent systemic norms; coordinate case hearings, and draft case reports setting forth conclusions and recommendations for Commission consideration.
  • Participate in the preparation and presentation of contentious cases and requests for advisory opinions before theInter-American Court: conducts legal research and analysis, drafts briefs, manages case correspondence, identifies and collects evidence, coordinates the presentation of witnesses, and may participate or help prepare arguments and witness testimony to be presented before the Court.
  • As assigned in specific cases, responds to inqueries by petitioners and state representatives on the application of petition procedures and other matters related to human rights. Provides technical advisory services for other organs or agencies of the Organization, in relation to drafting and implementation of juridical international instruments in the field of human rights as assigned.

Research and monitoring of situation as pertaining to the indigenous populations:

  • Conduct legal research pertinent to specific cases.
  • Engage in fact finding on numerous situations and cases, and drafts reports or sections of reports for review by senior staff.
  • Assist in the organization and participate in on-site visits conducted by the Commission Commission in order to delve more deeply into the observation of the general situation or to investigate particular situations involving indigenous peoples: develops draft program of activities; manages logistical arrangements; facilitates meetings between Commission members and Government officials, representatives of local non-governmental organizations and other groups, such as alleged victims and their relatives, works on draft reports or sections of reports and recommendations for review and approval by senior staff for publication pending Commission approval.
  • Monitor the overall situation of human rights in the member states assigned by contacting and maintaining sources, collecting and reviewing information, coordinating general hearings before the Commission, and consulting with the Commission Rapporteur.
  • Prepare special reports on subjects pertaining to the rights of the indigenous populations in the the member states. This requires the identification and collection common case reports setting related to international complaints that allege violations of the rights of indigenous peoples in their member states. Likewise, prepare and present to the IACHR suggestions and general recommendations related to the rights of indigenous peoples pursuant to Commission approval.
  • Prepare country reports and thematic reports studies. This requires the edition and translation of documents that need to be published by the raporteurship’s and the IACHR in relation to the rights of the indigenous populations.
  • Prepare presentations containing summaries of thematic reports studies and country reports of cases published by Rapporteurship and the IACHR; as well as other issues related to the human rights of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.


  • Engage in promotional activities such as seminars and conferences on human rights issues of indigenous peoples.
  • Engage in the promotion and diffusion of the inter-American human rights system as it applies to the protection of indigenous peoples.
  • Perform updates to the IACHR’s web page consistent to the work of the Rapporteurship and the Commission in the field of human rights of indigenous populations.
  • Perform other related duties as assigned, including replacing and backstopping for others.

For qualifications and other information, please visit the website.

Human Rights Specialist II

Duties and responsibilities:

Under the general supervision of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and in coordination with the Executive Secretariat, the Human Rights Specialist carries out the following activities:

Case processing and reporting:

  • Manage a portfolio of cases according to procedural stage and complexity.
  • Draft reports on cases according to the Special Rapporteur directions and based on consultation with the Executive Secretariat and the IACHR.
  • Issue pertinent drafts of documents in relation to evaluations of petitions and precautionary measures concerning the Member States comprised in the Section’s portfolio.
  • Provide policy advice and recommendations to the Supervisor and/or Section Chief on key issues relating to the processing of petitions and cases, the preparation of admissibility and merits reports, systemic issues and patters arising from the petitions and cases.
  • Ensure that the Section’s electronic files (including the Section’s database records) are accurate, up to date, and in compliance with quality standards set by the Secretariat.

Researching and monitoring the situation (political, legal, human rights) in the Member States comprised in the Section’s mandate:

  • Provide advice to IACHR Country Rapporteurs for the Member States.
  • Contribute to the deliveries of the Section to on-site visits, and country and special reports concerning the Member States.
  • Prepare and deliver the materials necessary for the planning of public hearings during IACHR sessions.
  • Maintain communications with representatives of the Member States comprised in the Section’s portfolio, as well as petitioners, organizations of civil society and other stakeholders; and warning the Section Coordinator of any communications requiring top management attention.

Other duties and responsibilities:

  • Carry out legal research and legal analyses requested by the Supervisor/Section Chief.
  • Provide advice to the Supervisor/Section Chief in relation to the design and implementation of working methodologies common to all IACHR Sections.
  • Issue drafts for the Section’s input to internal and external reports, among them, the IACHR’s Annual Report, including the Office of the Special Rapporteur Report, the Executive Secretary’s reports, the inputs to General Secretariat reports, summit reports and reports to donor agencies.
  • Participate in meetings, conferences and other academic or promotion activities.
  • Perform other related duties as assigned, including replacing and backstopping for others.

For qualifications and other information, please visit the website.