Public Interest Conference in Atlanta, GA

The Emory Public Interest Committee (Emory Law School’s public interest student group) is delighted to announce their conference entitled “Expendable People?:  A Human Rights Perspective on the Impact of Global Economic Migration on Georgia.”  The conference will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2009, at Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, and it will address three aspects of economic migration—human trafficking, the guest-worker program, and the undocumented workforce—and aims to challenge current law and culture to examine the health of human rights within U.S. borders.
Student conference organizers seek to engage conference participants in an open discussion of each of these topics: their causes, incidences, and effects—on those directly involved and on the greater Georgia community.  The conference will serve as a space where individual, government, and community responses to economic migration can be examined and even challenged.  Specifically, the plan is to discuss the relationship between human rights and citizenship.
Information is available at, and registration is open now.  There is no fee to attend (small charge for those seeking CLE credits), but registration is requested in order to plan for materials and meals.