The ASIL Midyear Meeting & Research Forum Takes Place on October 19-20 2012 in Georgia!

• Conference • Research Forum • Career Mentoring

This year’s ASIL Midyear Meeting and Research Forum is on October 19-21, 2012, in Atlanta and Athens, GA.

ASIL’s Midyear Meeting kicks off in downtown Atlanta with a career mentoring program, followed by a panel discussion with leading practitioners and scholars on the latest developments in the field of international arbitration and an evening reception. The meeting then moves to the University of Georgia School of Law and will include keynote addresses by United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel Patricia O’Brien and U.S. State Department Legal Adviser Harold Hongju Koh and the Research Forum. The Research Forum will provide a setting for the presentation and focused discussion of more that 50 scholarly works-in-progress.

The Midyear Meeting and Research Forum will close with the launch of ASIL-Southeast, a pilot project designed to enhance the Society’s regional presence by bringing together southeastern academics, members of the NGO community and private and public sector practitioners of international law.

For more information and to register, visit the website.