HOPE Public Interest News for Week of August 21, 2012
Please read below for upcoming events on campus and other announcements.
Events on Campus
Thursday, August 23rd, Special Movie Screening: Return to Happiness, 6:00 pm, Bill Cosford Cinema @ University of Miami. Enjoy an evening of movie watching to support the Somaly Mam Foundation, an anti-human trafficking organization. UM students can attend for free!
Monday, August 27th, HOPE Info Meeting, 12:30 pm, F209. The HOPE Public Interest Resource Center connects students with pro bono and community service opportunities on a local, national, and international level. Click here to access the website and come to the meeting to find out more!
Thursday, August 30th, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, 12:30 pm, A216B. Interested students hear from the Director of Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Miami regarding information on becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister mentoring and helping children realize their potential and build their futures.
Thursday, August 30th, HOPE Speaker – Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services, 12:30 pm, F209. MPH students and JD/MPH along with Health Law Class are invited to hear Leon Rodriguez, Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services. Click here for a quick bio.
Thursday, August 30th, UM Student Chapter, Dade County Bar Association Meeting, 12:30 pm, A110. Getting involved with a local Bar Association is an excellent way to network and learn about opportunities for public service.
SBA Book Exchange: The SBA Book Exchange website is LIVE. Click on the link below to list/sell books or find/buy books.
Facebook: Get updates from our Facebook Page (Um-Law Hope) here.
Job o’ the Day: Check out the PSLawNet Blog for more information and check back for updates.