Women’s Link Has Internship Opportunities Abroad

Women’s Link was founded in 2001. They have regional offices in Europe (Madrid, Spain) and Latin America (Bogotá, Colombia) and are a bilingual organization, working in both English and Spanish in many different parts of the world.

Women’s Link Worldwide is an international human rights non-profit organization working to ensure that gender equality is a reality around the world. Women’s Link has an internship program where students can apply either for the Madrid or Bogotá offices. For more information about that program, please visit the website.

Additionally , the Gender Justice Observatory (GJO) offers students the possibility of long distance collaborations. One of the main projects of the GJO is the free on-line case-law data base which includes commented summaries of the cases. Students could work by doing research on case-law by country, jurisdiction or subject matter or by doing the summaries of selected decisions. This work is a great learning experience that gives the opportunity to come into contact with different case-law produced in very different contexts and also with the practice of law.

For more information about the GJO, please click here.