The Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law at American University Washington College of Law Seeks Outreach Coordinator for Anti-Torture Follow Up and Impact Initiative at AU/WCL Center for Human Rights

The Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law at American University Washington College of Law (Center) seeks a dynamic Outreach Coordinator with proven experience conducting human rights research and monitoring on the ground and managing innovative outreach. The Outreach Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of the new Anti-Torture Follow-Up and Impact Initiative (FUII) with the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez (SRT), which will be run through the Center in collaboration with the SRT. The FUII is a two-year, grant-funded, independent project of the Center and is not a position of employment with or representing the United Nations.

The project goals are: (1) to create a replicable model for implementation of the recommendations of the SRT through a coordinated approach to follow-up and impact on the ground; and (2) to expand the impact of the SRT’s research, reports and recommendations on torture and CIDT through a professionalized outreach mechanism.

The Outreach Coordinator will expand strategies used by the SRT to support implementation of recommendations in-country, to monitor and assess implementation efforts, and to provide a model for effective in-country follow-up on SRT visits and recommendations. In addition, the Outreach Coordinator will support an outreach strategy-utilizing website development, social media, traditional media, blogging, and other tools-to raise the profile of the SRT’s work and recommendations. The Outreach Coordinator will be supervised by the Center Executive Director and will work in close collaboration with the SRT and other project staff.

This position is in Washington DC. No relocation funds are available. for requirements and to apply, please visit the website.