The Center for Economic and Social Rights Seeks Graduate Level Research Intern for Summer 2012

The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) is now seeking a dynamic graduate-level research intern to assist the organization in its research projects through the summer of 2012.

Applications will be received until May 10, 2012.

Formed in 1993, the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) is an international NGO that works for the recognition and enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights as a tool for promoting social justice and human dignity. The Center works for social justice through human rights research, advocacy, capacity-building and networking. They work closely in collaboration with local and international NGOs, social scientists, legal and development experts, UN agencies, policy makers and human rights practitioners to provide tools for strengthening human rights analysis and advocacy at the local, national and international levels.


The research carried out by the graduate-level research intern will contribute substantively to the Center’s work in some mix of the areas mentioned above, depending on the interest and expertise of the candidate selected.

Application Procedures:

If you are interested, please send your resume and a cover letter explaining your interest and specific qualifications via email here.

Please indicate the areas of work in which you are interested in working and send your application at the soonest availability, but certainly before May10, 2012. They will accept applications on a rolling basis until positions are filled. Only top applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Hours & Location:

Internships with CESR generally require a minimum of two to three days per week (20 hours per week), though they would welcome a full-time internship through the summer months. Although  eager to negotiate a relatively consistent schedule, the days and hours of work are flexible. They can only accept candidates which already count on their own funding. The intern will be based at CESR’sNew York office (162 Montague Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201).

For qualifications and additional information on this internship opening, please visit the website.