The Washington College of Law, American University, Seeks Assistant Director of Public Interest

The Washington College of Law,AmericanUniversity, is seeking to fill the position of Assistant Director of Public Interest. All applications go through the University’s automated application system.

The Assistant Director, Public Interest (Assistant Director) will be responsible for developing new programs, bringing coherence to WCL’s vision and managing the many on-going public interest/pro bono projects sponsored by WCL.  This position will be an advocate for public interest law and will be responsible for maintaining an institutionalized, formal Pro Bono Honors Pledge Program that promotes specific work opportunities and offers students guidance in selecting pro bono projects. This position also provides administrative oversight for several law school fellowship programs. The Assistant Director will encourage students to volunteer and become active participants during their law school career. The individual will also have oversight responsibilities for the Public Interest Public Service (PIPS) Scholarship Program and will work with each class of PIPS scholars to focus on various public service commitments while in law school. The Assistant Director will work with the Office of Financial Aid and others on the administration and award of the annual Public Interest Loan Repayment Program (PILRAP) and will develop substantial knowledge in the area of education debt management.  This position will empower the candidate to promote WCL’s long tradition as a center and active community leader in the public interest/pro bono area and will provide a cohesive positive image for the law school.

To view the job description and application instructions, click here.