Eyes on the ICC Seeks New Editor-in-Chief

The Board of Directors is accepting applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief of Eyes on the ICC, CASIN’s flagship academic journal on the International Criminal Court. Junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, PhD candidates, law school graduates, and advanced graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.

Eyes on the ICC is the only peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to the study of the International Criminal Court. It has been published since 2004 by the Council for American Students in International Negotiations, a non-profit, non-partisan organization composed of a network of students and young professionals from around the world.

Eyes on the ICC is an interdisciplinary journal that invites submissions from any field that addresses the International Criminal Court or international criminal law more generally. Past editors have come from the fields of international law, international relations, and sociology. To view current and previous volumes, please visit the journal’s Website.

Please note that this is a virtual position. Work is coordinated predominantly through e-mail and other forms of electronic communication. Please also note that this position is offered without compensation.

Job Description:

The Editor-in-Chief (EIC), with the assistance of the Managing Editor (ME) and 5-7 Assistant Editors (AEs), will be responsible for producing one volume per publication year, comprised of at least five articles, with a camera-ready manuscript due on December 1. Submissions are accessed via Expresso, as well as through direct e-mail contact between authors and the EIC or the ME. The EIC reports to the Publications Committee of CASIN’s Board of Directors.

Additional obligations will include:

  • Assisting in managing submissions received via Expresso, as well as through direct e-mail contact with ME or EIC;
  • Managing the peer review process;
  • Making article selection decisions based on reviews of Editorial Staff;
  • Assisting with final editing of all accepted articles and assisting with intermittent contact with authors throughout selection process as necessary;
  • Supervising the ME;
  • Maintaining regular contact with ME (who manages most of administrative editorial process);
  • Maintaining regular contact with Publications Committee of the Board, Peer Reviewers, and Editorial Advisory Board;

Required Qualifications:

  • Demonstrated knowledge of the International Criminal Court and international criminal law;
  • Editorial/publication experience in an academic setting;
  • Experience supervising and managing others;
  • Strong writing, research, and interpersonal skills;
  • Comfort working closely with virtual staff and board;
  • Strong communications skills and availability to respond promptly to e-mail communications;
  • Strong commitment to international human rights, criminal law, and/or social justice;
  • Reliable, organized, team-oriented, and able to meet deadlines;
  • Master’s degree or equivalent in a related field;

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience working directly with international criminal courts and/our tribunals;
  • Contacts with academics and practitioners within the international criminal law field;
  • Experience with the Chicago Manual of Style and The Bluebook system of citation;

Address all questions here. Only qualified applicants will be contacted by early May 2012.

How to Apply:

Submit a letter of interest, a resume/CV, 1 writing sample of approximately 15,000 words, and 3 references via email by April 20th. In the subject line please include: Eyes EIC, [your last name].

Visit the website here.



The deadline for applications is April 20, 2012.