Attend The People’s Law Conference on March 23rd!
March 23-24, 2012
Join law students from across the deep South for a two-day conference that roots the practice and study of law in social justice principles and experience. This conference will highlight the struggles of peoples and communities who are neglected and criminalized in casebooks and law classrooms, including communities of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ communities.
Learn from and grow networks with elders, youth, and fellow students who are waging justice in the streets and in the courts. Share knowledge and strategies for supporting communities and movements as they struggle against environmental injustice, lack of access to housing and education, and oppressive policing and incarceration practices. Think collectively about the role of law students and lawyers in social justice work, and how we can support ourselves, each other, and the people at the center of these struggles.
Register here. Registration deadline is March 9th!
The program features attorneys from around the south, panel presentations by law students, and keynote speaker Judy Brown from the Advancement Project. The Friday evening program will highlight New Orleans food and culture and will include a musical performance by a local brass band.
For more information, send an email by clicking here.