Professor Michael Froomkin Seeks Assistants for Robotics Conference

Professor Michael Froomkin is seeking to hire law students to help manage a major conference on legal and policy issues relating to robotics, to be held at the University of Miami School of Law on April 19 & 20.  There is intellectual work to be done to set  up the event, and also some administrative duties, although the law school staff will handle the majority of those duties.

The job involves a smaller amount of work now, and a larger amount of work in the weeks leading up to the event. The candidates who fill these slots would be asked to attend and assist with the conference, for example liaising with speakers, and summarizing events online, on Twitter and other media.

The job pays $13.00 per hour.

To apply, please send an email with the subject line ROBOT CONFERENCE 2012 (in all caps), followed by your name.  In the email please state:

  • How many hours you would ideally like to work per week;
  • Why you are interested in the topic and any relevant experience;
  • When you are free to start; and
  • Your phone number and email address

Please attach:

  • A copy of your resume (c.v.);
  • A transcript of your grades (need not be an official copy); and
  • A writing sample (this does not have to be a legal writing sample-please don’t send your L-Comm/LRW memo)