The National Center on Philanthropy and the Law (NCPL) at New York University School of Law is offering two Fellowships in Nonprofit Law

The National Center on Philanthropy and the Law (NCPL) at New York University School of Law is offering the following two Fellowships in Nonprofit Law:

  1.  The Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellowship in Nonprofit Law at the Vera Institute of Justice (The RBF Fellowship) and
  2.  The National Center on Philanthropy and the Law Fellowship in Nonprofit Law at New York University’s Office of Legal Counsel (The NCPL Fellowship).

The RBF and NCPL Fellowships will each be awarded to one graduate of an accredited U.S. Law School.  For additional information and to download the applications and apply online, please visit the website.  Please note that completed applications must be received by the NCPL no later than December 2, 2011.