Free Pro Bono Program! 300 Things You Can Do With a Law Degree 2011

Chair:  Hindi Greenberg — President, Lawyers in Transition

Are you wondering how you can maximize the value of your law degree or find a job in this tight economy? This free pro bono program may be just what you need.

Hindi Greenberg, a nationally known career consultant who herself practiced law for ten years and has written the best-selling Lawyer’s Career Change Handbook, provides practical ideas and pointers about the variety of job and career options that lawyers can pursue. This is a free pro bono program brought to you by The State Bar of California and PLI.

Law students, practicing lawyers, unemployed lawyers, re-entry lawyers, and anyone who has a J.D. and desires to find a good job in or out of law and have more career satisfaction will benefit from this program. Here’s what you will learn:

  • The possible uses for your legal training, both in and outside of the legal field
  • Ideas about jobs and categories that might fit who you are and what you want to do
  • How to go about seeking out those job opportunities
  • How to research the job market and make new contacts for employment
  • Begin identifying your skills and abilities and how they translate into new job or career possibilities
  • Illustrate how to restructure your resume and oral presentation about yourself so that an employer will understand your suitability for the job
  • Ways to best present yourself so that you can get a satisfying job, whether in or outside of law
  • Effective methods for networking and interviewing

Choose either the live or the Live Webcast program. Be sure to register now!

San Franciscoand Live Webcast
October 20, 2011, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (PT)