Join in Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps

The University of Miami will host a special event on September 7, 2011 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Peace Corps.

This special function will be held at the University of Miami’s Fieldhouse on the Coral Gables campus and will include a job fair and a panel discussion. Panel members will share their unique Peace Corps experiences along with their views on topics such as global engagement, how the Peace Corps makes a difference, and its relevance in the world today.

Panel Members include the Director of Peace Corps, Aaron Williams, the President of the University of Miami, Donna Shalala, the President of the Knight Foundation Alberto Ibarguren and Virginia Emmons-McNaught, who is the founder of Educate Tomorrow. The speakers are all returned Peace Corps volunteers.

The job fair will feature organizations offering careers which allow you to make a difference in the life of others.

The job fair, which is being presented by International Relief and Development , is scheduled to begin at 4pm and the panel discussion will begin at 6pm.

RSVP Information:

To RSVP to this event, please e-mail your name, the number of people attending and if you are a returned volunteer, your years and country of service. You may RSVP via e-mail or by calling 404-562-3469.

Event Information:

Please address any questions about the event to Steve Hunsicker or call the South Florida office of Peace Corps at 305-929-3066.