Network Launched to Unite Military Spouses With Law Degrees

Attorney spouses of military members face significant challenges maintaining their legal careers while supporting their spouse’s military career. Many families find balancing a military career with a legal career too difficult. In those cases, either the legal profession or the military loses a valuable member.

The Military Spouse JD Network (“MSJDN”) was formed by two military spouses who have maintained successful legal careers through frequent transfers with their spouses. The MSJDN focuses on:

  • advocating for provisional bar membership and admission in each state;
  • educating the community about the benefits of hiring military spouses with law degrees; and
  • providing a network for attorney spouses to connect with and support each other.

With the support of co-founder Mary Reding, Ohio is considering providing provisional bar membership to qualified military spouses. The MSJDN urges each state to review its bar admission requirements to ensure they are reasonable for military spouses who typically move every two to four years. The MSJDN also supports the uniform bar exam.

The MSJDN will highlight to employers the benefits of hiring military spouses. In addition, the network allows attorney spouses to share career advice, such as identifying legal careers that are portable and consistent with being a military spouse.

“No organization previously existed to connect attorney military spouses,” according to co-founder Hon. Erin Wirth. “Spouses navigated bar admissions and employment searches without any support or advice. This network provides a way to identify military spouses with law degrees; document our diverse career paths, challenges, and achievements; and to address our unique needs.”

The MSJDN includes spouses from all five branches of the United States Military: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy. The network is also open to active duty military members, spouses of retired service members and reservists and community members who support the network’s mission.

The Military Spouse JD Network is dedicated to eliminating barriers to the practice of law and making the legal profession a portable and viable career option for military spouses.

For more information, please visit the MSJDN website or email the organization directly.