The 2011 George J. Joseph Education Law Writing Award

The 2011 George J. Joseph Education Law Writing Award is sponsored by the Education Law Association in cooperation with the Journal of law and Education. 

The purpose of this national competition is to generate increased interest in and recognition of education law among not only graduate students in education schools but also, in particular, to students in law schools.


  • Doctoral dissertations are not eligible; they are subject to a different ELA award. However, manuscripts that synthesize dissertations may be submitted, provided that they meet the specifications.
  • Subject matter: one or more legal issues within any of the various contexts of education, including public and private K-12 schools and institutions of higher education, especially current and emerging issues in elementary and secondary public education. 
  • Status: not previously published and not under review elsewhere for publication. 
  • Format: double-spaced, with 12-point font and one-inch margins, with footnotes on each respective page (rather than at the end) carefully conforming to Blue Book citation style.
  • Authorship: single-authored by a law student (not LL.M.) or a student in a graduate program in education (not postdoctoral). 
  • Length: between 35 and 55 pages including the footnotes.


The author must submit the manuscript via email (as an attachment in Word format) by 4:00 p.m. EST on July 1, 2011 directly to the chair of the Joseph Award Committee with “Joseph Award” in the subject line.