Spring 2009 Resume Referral Program
The Spring 2009 Resume Referral program is now underway. The Resume Referral program is an opportunity for employers unable to interview on campus to request and obtain application materials from interested students. The Resume Referral program will take place throughout the spring semester and employers will be divided into sessions based on bidding deadline. Bidding is now open for those employers in the “Spring 2009 Resume Referral Session (February 27, 2009).” Bidding for these employers will end on Friday, February 27, 2009 at 11:00 p.m. EST.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no benefit to bidding early in the bidding period or detriment to waiting until the latter portion of the bidding period to submit your bids. If you currently have grades outstanding, you may wait until grades are obtained to submit your bids. Employers are not made aware of when you submitted your bids. As long as your bids are received by 11:00 p.m. on Friday, February 27, 2009, your materials will be sent to the employer. However, the CDO does not recommend waiting until the very last minute to submit your bids to avoid any last minute computer or other technical issues.
To participate, you must complete the bidding process on Symplicity, a World Wide Web based program. “Bidding” entails submitting your resume and other requested materials via Symplicity. Instructions on how to bid on the Symplicity system is provided in the Student Guide to Symplicity document available on the CDO Student Portal. You may begin bidding by logging onto Symplicity and selecting “OCI, Resume Referral and Direct Contact Schedules” from the top navigation bar. Please note that Symplicity only allows you to view and bid on employers seeking applications from your class year or LL.M. program. Also keep in mind that new employers may be added during the bidding period. Should this happen, an email will be sent notifying students of the additional employer.
All students have a Symplicity account. If you cannot locate your Symplicity login information, please email the CDO and provide your full name, class year and email address (this email address will be your username for the site). You will then receive your login information via email. Please allow up to two business days for a response.
Information on the OCI and Resume Referral programs is available in the Spring 2009 OCI Handbook. The entire handbook is available on the CDO Student Portal. You must use your UM law email address and password to log onto the system.