CPC Resource Library

The Career Planning Center maintains a resource library with many materials useful for your job search. The Resource Library also contains several computers, printer, copier and fax machine that are free to be used for job search related purposes. The Resource Library is located in Suite A-112.

Here are some of the publications available in the Resource Library:

Choosing Small, Choosing Smart – Job Search Strategies for Lawyers in the Small Firm Market

Guerilla Tactics for Getting the Legal Job of Your Dreams

The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search

What Law School Doesn’t Teach You But You Really Need to Know

Searching for an Alternative – A Law Student’s Guide to Finding Non-Legal Jobs (pamphlets)

Non-Legal Careers for Lawyers

Building Career Connections – Networking Tools for Law Students and New Lawyers

Going In-House – A Guide for Law Students and Recent Graduates (pamphlets)

Corporate Law Careers (Vault Guide) – ARRIVING SOON

Careers in International Law

Negotiating and Structuring International Commercial Transactions

International Litigation Strategies and Practices

2008 Sports Market Place Directory – ARRIVING SOON

Hollywood Representation Directory (Spring 2008)

All You Need to Know About the Music Business

Women at Law – Lessons Learned Along the Pathways to Success – ARRIVING SOON