This Week at the CDO (Week of February 28, 2011)

Monday, February 28

Exploring Solo and Small Firm Practice at 12:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge.  Lunch will be provided.  Learn more about this type of practice, including networking tips, how to find/contact employers and how to best position yourself as a competitive applicant.

Thursday, March 3

13th Annual Career Fair at 12:30 p.m. on the Bricks.  This great networking event gives you the opportunity to:

  • meet and network with many attorneys
  • learn firsthand about various practice areas
  • assess your qualifications for and interest in particular practice areas
  • sound like an “insider” when meeting with future potential employers
  • collect written information on different practice areas

Coming Up Next Week:  Distinguishing Yourself through International Law Opportunities on Wednesday, March 9th