ABA Law Student Division Career Fair

The ABA Law Student Division is holding a career fair in conjunction with the ABA Annual Meeting in New York in early August. Students interested in attending should contact Dean Marcy Cox at mcox@law.miami.edu.


ABA Law Student Division Career Fair
Thursday, August 7, 2008
10am to 5pm
York Marriot Marquis (1535 Broadway)
Westside Ballroom Salons 1, 2, 3, 5th Floor

A resume review program will be offered the day before:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 * 2pm to 4pm
Edison / Booth Rooms (5th Floor)
Thursday, August 7, 2008 * 10am to 4pm
Westside Ballroom Salons 1, 2, 3 (5th Floor)

The second annual Career Fair is structured as a table-talk and resume submission event to provide law students an opportunity to learn more about each firm or agency, while actively gaining valuable career advice. Legal employers will have tables where attendees can drop off resumes and meet representatives from law firms of all sizes, local, state and federal government agencies, military JAG, and public interest groups to discuss summer and new associate positions, as well as internships and volunteer opportunities. Law students can interact with legal employers without the typical stress of formal, sit-down interviews.
The Law Student Division’s Career Fair also features a Resume Review component, with a panel of lawyers and legal recruiters available to critique resumes and offer suggestions to maximize impact and improve effectiveness.

Law students must be registered for the ABA Annual Meeting to gain access to the Career Fair and Resume Review. Pre-registration has closed, but students who have not yet registered for the Annual Meeting, may do so on site beginning Thursday morning, August 7 at 8:00 am. The registration fee for law students is only $75. Only law students wearing official ABA Annual Meeting badges will be admitted to the Career Fair.

Registered law students may also take advantage of the many educational sessions offered during the ABA Annual Meeting. While lawyers must pay for CLE events, registered law students generally are allowed complimentary admittance to educational events providing students the opportunity to meet and interact with legal professionals from across the country.

Hilton New York Hotel (1335 Avenue of the Americas) Rhinelander Gallery, 2nd Floor
Opens 8am Thursday, August 7

New York Marriot Marquis (1535 Broadway) Westside Ballroom Salons 1, 2, 3, 5th Floor
Opens 10am Thursday, August 7

For Career Fair details, including information about participating employers, please visit http://www.abanet.org/lsd/career/home.html.
For information about Law Student Division Annual Meeting programming, please visit http://www.abanet.org/lsd/annual/home.html.
For information about the ABA Annual Meeting, including other events and CLE programming, please visit http://www.abanet.org/annual/2008/.