The CDO would like to announce that its Spring 2009 On Campus Interview Program will take place from Tuesday, February 17 through Friday, April 17. The Spring OCI Program welcomes employers to campus to interview 1L and 2L students for summer positions and 3L and LL.M. students for postgraduate positions. In conjunction with the Spring OCI Program, the CDO will also administer its Resume Referral Program.

The Spring OCI and Resume Referral Programs are two of the many resources you should employ during your summer or postgraduate job search and you are encouraged to participate in both programs this spring.

Students can prepare for OCI by attending the following workshops:

OCI Information and Symplicity Training Sessions
(for students new to the OCI process – these sessions are the same
so you would only need to attend one)
Thursday, January 15
12:30 p.m.
Room 108
Thursday, January 22
12:30 p.m.
Room 108
Get Ready for OCI: Resume Workshop
Tuesday, January 20
12:30 p.m.
Room 108
Get Ready for OCI: Interviewing Workshop
Tuesday, February 3
12:30 p.m.Room 108