University of Miami School of Law Negotiation Competition

The University of Miami School of Law Moot Court Board cordially invites 2L and 3L students to participate in the Negotiation Competition taking place this fall.  This is an excellent resume building opportunity for students.  In addition, there will be plenty of opportunities to network as the competition is judged by local practitioners.  Attorneys will personally observe students as they showcase their negotiation skills and make an impression on potential employers.

Below is a brief description of the competition, dates, and contact information to register.  To register, students must complete the competitor’s sign up form by September 24, 2010.


The University of Miami School of Law Negotiation Competition promotes greater interest among law students in legal negotiation and provides a means for them to practice and improve their negotiating skills. The competition simulates legal negotiations in which law students, acting as lawyers, negotiate a series of legal problems. The simulations consist of a common set of facts known by all participants and confidential information known only to the participants representing a particular side. The negotiation simulation varies with each round and level of the competition.

Quality representation of clients requires that one be able to negotiate contracts, settlements, and other agreements while working in the field. The Negotiation Competition helps students build these essential skills by providing students a forum to negotiate under time constraints and in an area of law with which they may not be familiar.

The winners of the competition will be asked to represent the University of Miami School of Law at the prestigious ABA Regional Negotiation Competition hosted by Stetson University in November.

The Moot Court Board’s Negotiation Competition begins on Saturday, October 2nd with preliminary rounds at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.  Advancing teams will compete head to head in a Quarter Final round on Monday, October 4th.  The Semi Final round will be held on Tuesday, October 5th and the Final Round will be held on Thursday, October 7th.  The deadline for teams to enter is Friday, September 24th. Competitors can register online or forms can be picked up in the Moot Court Office (F401).

If you need any additional information, or if you have any further questions, please contact Nichole Geary.

Competition Dates:
Preliminary Round 1:  Saturday, October 2 at 9:00am to 11:00am
Preliminary Round 2:  Saturday, October 2 at 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Quarterfinal Round:     Monday, October 4 at 7:00pm
Semifinal Round:         Tuesday, October 5 at 7:00pm
Final Round:               Thursday, October 7 at 7:00pm

Competitor’s sign up form.