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Job Search Tips

Careers in Multilateral Organizations

Want to learn more about careers in multilateral organizations such as the United Nations?  Then check out this blog post by Sara Rakita for PSLawNet.

Landing Your First Job in a Tough Economy

Join Debra Frank Montero, Esq., a recruiter with Robert Half Legal, as she presents “Landing Your First Job in a Tough Economy.” During this timely and dynamic presentation, Ms. Montero will discuss the “invisible” job market, how to develop an effective job search strategy, valuable networking skills and how to make yourself into the most […]

CDO Small Firm Week (September 14-18, 2009)

SMALL FIRM WEEK IS COMING! September 14-18, 2009 The CDO presents its first Small Firm Week the week of September 14, 2009 featuring panel discussions, presentations and an exciting speed networking event. The purpose of Small Firm Week is to promote the wonderful opportunities small firms offer to students and graduates.  Did you know… …that […]

The Florida Bar Board of Examiners, Facebook and You

Last month we blogged about the pitfalls of social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Recently, the Florida Bar made an announcement regarding the Florida Bar Board of Examiners’ (FBBE) plans to visit Florida Bar candidates’ Facebook and MySpace sites. For tips on how to avoid social networking pitfalls, see our previous blog posting […]

Social Networking Sites and the Job Search

Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace are great to use but there can be pitfalls to using such sites.  Therefore, it is important to review and update your social networking pages and be aware of any information about you that is searchable on the web.  In this day and age, it is not out […]

Want to Know More About Small Firm Practice?

Last week, the Career Development Office welcomed Ana Veliz, the chair of the Florida Bar’s General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Section to campus to discuss small firm practice. During her discussion, she shared the following information which students may find helpful. The largest entry level law firm market in Florida is the small firm […]

Resume Writing Tips

One big component to any job search is building a successful resume. If you have not already started or updated your resume, now is a good time to get it ready for your summer or post-graduate job search. To get started, review the CDO’s Resume Guide, which discusses the elements of a resume and provides […]